To locate and commit to a single best mic position to record all the Audio Test Kitchen mics we had to start with an impartial, honest, and detailed microphone to guide us.
Audio and music are forms of art. Art is about ideas. Here’s why microphone and gear choices are inseparable from making great art.
Follow 5x Grammy-winning engineer Chris Lord-Alge as he meets robots, lasers, and science along the yellow brick road of microphones in his famous California laboratory… studio! Plus: What advice does CLA have about making choices and taking risks?
What a team of mic fanatics and world-renown scientists did inside a dark sound chamber to make it so you can try-before-you-buy.
Audio and music are forms of art. Art is about ideas. Here’s why microphone and gear choices are inseparable from making great art.
ATK founder Alex Oana gets real about the effectiveness of online microphone comparisons.
Speakers Became Singers, Microphones Bottled Time. How ATK pushed through the final 5% to crack the audio comparison code inside Harman Laboratories’ anechoic chamber.
SOS editor Sam Inglis slices into ATK’s precision measurements, anechoic chambers, and frickin' lasers that help us choose microphones!
With great mics comes great responsibility. The inspiration, tests, and failures that produced the world’s first Audio Test Kitchen.
It’s hard to admit failure. Founder Alex Oana talks about how he used failure as a teacher to make ATK better than he imagined in this one-on-one interview with Warren Huart.